Legal Instruments of Intellectual Property in India​​

LLM From HPU Shimla, India.
Sanjeev Kumar
PhD Research Scholar, Career Point University Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh, India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

After becoming the member WTO and with the advancement of science and technology, India has start formulating its laws and policies in order to make more and more innovation in the field of IPR. Intellectual property rights becoming an upcoming resource for economy and development. IPR system has many different forms of protection which are independent to each other and regulated by different laws. India has played very crucial role in various treaties. Perris   convention and TRIPS agreement are the two leaders leading the IPRs throughout the world. IPR is required to safeguard creators and other producers of their intellectual commodity, goods and services by granting them certain time-limited rights to control the use made of the manufactured goods. This paper analyses instruments of Intellectual property in India which includes- Rights Related to copyright, Industrial property rights, Copyright, Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Geographical indications etc. Paper also discuss about legal framework regarding instruments vis-a-vis Intellectual property rights & also through a light on The National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy 2016.

Keywords: Instruments, Intellectual Property, Rights, TRIPS, WTO, Convention